Originally printed in the December 2021 issue of Produce Business.

The words, “You have been tested positive for the COVID virus,” still ring in my ears…

Thursday 25/11/2022, 23h59. I board flight KL0592 from Johannesburg, South Africa, to travel back to my home in The Hague, The Netherlands. I have just spent 4 amazing days in and around South Africa’s Kruger Park, where my team and I developed an amazing range of non-alcoholic distilled spirits beverages, using local fruits and herbs. I look forward to seeing my family in The Netherlands again.

Friday 26/11/2021, 11H00. We land in Amsterdam. The captain announces: “Due to an alarming new strain of the COVID virus found in South Africa, we are not allowed to leave the plane. We will update you shortly.”

Friday 26/11/2021, 16H30. After almost 6 hours of waiting in the plane, we enter an isolated area of the airport. Every single one of the 300 passenger is tested for the COVID virus.

Friday 26/11/2021. I receive the result of my test. “You have been tested positive for the COVID virus. You will receive further instructions from the health services.” I wait.

Saturday 27/11/2021. I am taken to a specially isolated COVID hotel close to the airport where I receive the verdict: 7 days of solitary isolation. The room is great, the medical staff attentive. But 7 days of talking to myself??

Saturday 4/12/2021. I am released from the isolation hotel, in good health and happy to be outside again.

So, what lessons did I learn during the seven days of isolation? My first realisation was that it is like being thrown into a huge expanse of water. You know how to swim; you just must simply find the right direction to swim in. For most of my life, I have been running around. Suddenly I was confronted with myself only and realized that I have not really put anything in place with which to keep myself occupied in such a situation. My life has been focused outwardly… now I had to reverse it. Being so accessible to other people every day can make it easy to forget to find quality time for yourself.

On the internet, I found the following argument that supports my realisation: “With external stimulation always just a click away, it’s never been so easy to avoid our inner worlds. Why would you sit with a feeling like boredom or sadness if you can distract yourself from it by texting a friend, or bingeing a Netflix show, or launching a Zoom call?”

When you’re thrown upon yourself, you realize you are more equipped than you realized. A lot of the system keeps us from realizing our own power.

Lesson 1. After the initial shock, I had to embrace the distress that I was feeling. I had to remind myself that it is only for now, not forever. I had to move on and make a plan.

Lesson 2. I had to set a purpose for the time that I would be isolated. Apparently, the sociologist Dr. Eric Fong once said: “It’s when people don’t see a purpose in their suffering that they freak out.” I decided that this isolation was a gift that would enable me to reconnect with myself and do stuff that I otherwise would not have time for.

Lesson 3. After the initial chaos involved in being awake for close on 48 hours, I knew that to get through isolation in high spirits, I had to set a daily routine, especially with regards to work, regular exercise, and nutrition. Although the temptation was there, I decided that I would not binge on working, watching television, eating, drinking excessive alcohol, or doing nothing. I knew that it would only make things worse!

Lesson 4. Because I am a highly social person, I had to engage my personal network. Talking to my friends and family at various intervals definitely brightened up my day. Their positivity became mine. I also realized that this was a golden opportunity to say things that I have always wanted to say. But I also had to be selective. In a situation such as mine, the whole world wants to talk to you. Answering every call would create chaos in my head.

Lesson 5. I had to activate all compartments of my brain. I made a list of topics and places that I wanted to explore mentally. I set specific times for allowing my mind to have ‘nothing time’. I had great fun simply closing my eyes, dreaming away and and doing mind-travels to the beautiful places that I have visited during my fresh produce travels, such as Mancora Bay in Peru, Guayaquil in Ecuador, Xiamen in China, and Atlantic City in America. I ate a virtual steak at STK in New York, had lunch with pomelo farmers in Pinghe in China, and enjoyed a magnificent meal with a local rural community in South Africa. All while lying in my bed in the isolation wing of the hotel.

Lesson 6. To have some “light time,” I had to find fun things to do. I counted the tiles in the bathroom. Twice. I made a playlist of hiphop songs, a genre that is completely new to me. I watched a rerun of the Teletubbies. I counted the flowers in the curtain. I smiled at myself a lot.

Lesson 7. I am as strong as my mind allows me to be.

I am thankful for having been given this experience that has made me very aware of the fact that I can go home to my loving family after contracting COVID, whilst millions of others died.

Be happy. Be kind. Be blessed.

covid #survivor #isolation #lovelife #gratitude

Nic Jooste is an independent fresh produce consultant who has done presentations at the New York Produce Show on multiple occasions. He lives in The Netherlands.

20 of 20 article in Produce Business February 2022