Produce Quiz Winner: MATTHEW DEE
June 5, 2023 | 3 min to read

Director of Operations
Donelan’s Supermarket
Littleton, MA
Matthew Dee has had one employer, Donelan’s Supermarkets, since he was 16 years old.
“I would ride my bike down to the store, and when I needed a job, the produce manager hired me,” he says.
Dee worked at the store throughout high school. Then, after attending college at the University of Massachusetts, he was hired as produce manager at Donelan’s Supermarkets, which is based in Littleton, MA.
“At the time, I was the youngest produce manager ever hired at the company when I was 21 years old,” he says.
Now, at 53, he has been working in produce for the company, which has four locations, for more than three decades.
“I also served as director of produce and floral for 13 years, and was recently promoted to director of operations,” he says. “I’m still overseeing produce and floral, but looking to train a new produce supervisor.”
Dee’s day starts at 6 a.m., when he will visit a store to meet with store managers or assistant managers and take 30 minutes to an hour straightening out the produce department. He does this again at another store in the afternoon.
At 7:30 a.m., Dee works on advertising, budgets and assisting other directors.
“A lot of time is put in with maintenance and repairs, and I’ll have a few meetings before lunch talking about new equipment and plans for the department,” he says.
Dee does dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to read Produce Business.
“I like to see photos and ideas and share that with our managers,” he says. “I talk to those building the displays and managing the displays to share photos of displays, discuss creativity and what’s in season.”
“I also really enjoy the Mystery Shopper article, as it’s something I don’t see in other magazines.”
As this month’s Produce Business Quiz winner, Dee will receive a a $200 GO PLAY GOLF Gift Card.

Is there anyone in the industry who wouldn’t want $200 to buy almost anything on Amazon? Or better yet… pass the card on to someone in need and make the world a better place!