Produce Business Quiz Winner: ROD WIEBER
July 21, 2021 | 3 min to read

Feeding the Northwest
Executive Director
Spokane, WA
When Feeding the Northwest was formed by member food banks in Washington, Oregon and Idaho just over three years ago, Wieber was chosen to head the organization due to his 15 years working in the non-profit industry.
“We source and gather food produced in the Northwest and share it, not just locally, but also with food banks nationwide,” he says. “Along with member food banks in the northwest states, we’ve developed partnerships in the apple, pear and potato industry to access more fresh produce for those facing hunger.”
Feeding the Northwest utilizes product that isn’t suitable for the consumer market due to its less-than-perfect condition. Wieber says those in the produce industry appreciate having their excess produce not go to waste.
“When the pandemic started, our need for food and produce greatly increased,” Wieber says. “We distributed 65% more food last year than the year before, and that need has continued this year.” In 2021, Feeding the Northwest will distribute 62 million pounds of food to food banks.
“We realize the importance of relationships and appreciate the connection with those in the produce industry,” Wieber says. “We admire the work they do helping people enjoy fresh produce.”
Wieber enjoys keeping abreast of big issues in the produce industry and says Produce Business is one of his favorite publications. “It’s great to go through the magazine and connect with new trends, while understanding the challenges the industry is facing,” he says. “It’s great to read about our partners who are highlighted.”
Wieber resides in the Sandpoint, ID area and loves the outdoors. He regularly runs, hikes, kayaks and paddle boards with his wife of three years, Heidi (who is a brand manager at Litehouse Foods). Wieber also enjoys spending time with his family, including son Josh and three grandchildren—Baylee, Tessa and Avery.
How To Win!
To win the Produce Business Quiz, the first thing you must do is enter. The rules are simple: Read through the articles and advertisements in this issue to find the answers. Fill in the blanks corresponding to the questions below, scan or photocopy the page, and send your answers to the address listed on the coupon. The winner will be chosen by drawing from the responses received before the publication of our AUGUST 2021 issue of Produce Business. The winner must agree to submit a color photo to be published in that issue.

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