South African Stone Fruit Sector Ramps up Innovation

The South African stone fruit industry is accelerating the adoption of new technologies and innovative growing practices to take production to the next level. The industry, led by Hortgro, is driving a wide range of research projects designed to make production more efficient, address the challenges of climate change, and boost output of high-quality fruit.
Recent initiatives have included installing netting on farms to increase yields and improve fruit quality, adding solar panels to tackle energy shortages, adopting new technologies for quality management in the packhouse, using drones for precision farming, and investing in water-saving and irrigation-management measures.
Hortgro has a dedicated division — Hortgro Science, based in Stellenbosch — that is focused on identifying key research areas, funding projects and seeking collaborative opportunities with both local and international research groups. Among the various initiatives, an ongoing project called “The Orchard of the Future” is aimed at enabling greater operational efficiency, improving fruit production, reducing wastage, and showcasing potential new strategies and technologies that can reduce risk.