Masters of Merchandising: VILLAGE FARMS FRESH
April 13, 2022 | 4 min to read
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Locally Grown Goodness
Shopper interest in Locally Grown is trending strong in FRESH now more than ever. This according to FMI Fresh Council findings from their 2022 Power of Produce report. Point of Sales signage is an excellent way to convey local. Adding the farmer’s face to the signage puts a ‘face to the food’ and further drives brand trust. Report also found transparency is important to consumers. Shoppers want to know not only where their food is being grown but who is growing it.
- Locally Grown signage. Farm Bill defines ‘local’ as a 400 mile radius. State and regional preferences are important. Texas Grown, BC Grown and Ontario Grown have value for shoppers in these areas.
- Farmer’s face on signage encourages trust. Happy Farmers = Brand Trust.
- Flavor Forward messaging on POS signage can help drive sales. Include nutrient content, immune boosting and usage ideas for increasing Plant Forward Friendly diets.
For almost 35 years Village Farms has been growing in an environmentally friendly manner. Our good for the earth farming practices grow more food on less land using less precious natural resources like water, and we use no harmful chemicals. We use 86% less water compared to field grown tomatoes and our yields are 30x in comparison. We are GMO Free, Herbicide Free and use Integrated Pest Management, where ‘the good bugs eat the bad bugs’ to keep plants healthy, vibrant & growing strong. Greenhouse Grown is the Future of Food.
Consistent quality, year-round supply and unique flavorful varieties are just a few of the many benefits of greenhouse grown. Village Farms searches the world over discovering unique and Flavor Forward greenhouse grown tomato, pepper and cucumber varieties. Our seed partner’s secret gardens are bursting with the one thing they all have in common, FLAVOR. Heavenly Villagio Marzano®, Sinfully Sweet Campari®, Cabernet Estate Reserve® and Maverick Mix®, Cheeky Sweets® and Sensational Sara® are the exclusive varieties we have available to Elevate your Category and Drive Sales.
It is said that shoppers ‘eat with their eyes’ when shopping for produce. Enticing colorful and vibrant displays provide incentive for purchase. Village Farms’ innovative packaging designs stand out on the shelf, and are ready to create eye catching displays with our line of specialty snacking tomatoes, “Stackable Snackables’ for your tomato set. Stack em’ High & Watch em’ Fly! Challenging your shoppers to Eat a Rainbow everyday. Village Farms is here to help with our full library of content for in-store POS and digital promotional needs. Let’s talk about how together we cn Drive more Sales for your Category. | let’s connect
[email protected] | 877.777.7718
Read the entire Masters of Merchandising supplement.
6 of 18 article in Produce Business April 2022