Getting More Splash From Berries
March 1, 2019 | 9 min to read
Berries are a vibrant and versatile superfood, enjoying immense popularity as the top-selling produce in grocery stores, with consumers willing to pay a premium for their flavor. Creative marketing, including smart displays and seasonal promotions, can further boost berry sales. As trends shift towards incorporating berries into savory dishes and convenient snacks, their year-round demand remains robust. Retailers should emphasize health benefits while showcasing berries' culinary potential to attract shoppers and maintain brand loyalty.

Originally printed in the March 2019 issue of Produce Business.
With an abundance of selling points, the ever-growing category remains robust.
What’s not to love about berries? They’re colorful, super healthy, bursting with flavor and their versatility allows them to be used in all sorts of meals and snacks.
Indeed, thanks to the foodie trend, people are discovering countless ways to showcase berries beyond their common uses as part of breakfast, in baked goods or as a snack.
“Fresh berries continue to be the top-selling produce item in grocery stores,” says Frances Dillard, senior director, brand and product marketing, for Driscoll’s, based in Watsonville, CA. “We see shoppers seeking our product and willing to pay premium for the exceptional flavor experience.”
Despite their immense popularity, berry sales can benefit from creative marketing. Supermarket produce sections can do themselves, and their customers, a big favor with smart displays and promotional tips that can boost sales all year long.
SMART Merchandising
Because there are quite a few delicious and popular berries to offer customers — and because they can be used in myriad ways — promotional opportunities abound.
According to Christine Christian, senior vice president of the California Strawberry Commission, based in Watsonville, CA, two-thirds of strawberry consumers buy them frequently — once to three times a week, and smart promotions can keep those sales growing.
“Retailers can maximize sales by maintaining large strawberry displays in primary position from spring all the way through summer, even as summer seasonal fruits enter the market,” she says. “Add secondary displays in dairy, bakery and at checkout during holidays for incremental impulse sales.”
“The trend among those looking to capture additional sales has been toward adding refrigerated displays both inside the produce department and in other sections of the store to take advantage of cross-merchandising opportunities.”
— Victoria De Bruin, U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council
Cindy Jewell, vice president of marketing for California Giant Berry Farms, headquartered in Watsonville, CA, says Giant works with trading partners in various ways.
“Each chain has differing philosophies and demographics that shop their stores, so as a supplier we must be flexible in our offerings and understand our customer needs to ensure we develop programs that are beneficial to them, to us and ultimately provide the shopper with the best experience and value,” she says. “Some chains with an everyday-low-price philosophy prefer ads and price-based solutions, where others are focused on quality and the in-store experience. We want to make sure we work closely with our partners to keep the shopper in mind and build brand loyalty for both our brand and the trading partner for repeat purchases.”
Perfect Pairings
Victoria De Bruin, marketing manager of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, says consumers should be presented with a one-stop area that pairs blueberries with seasonal staples and other items, such as snack-sized plastic ware for on-the-go snacking; Mason jars for jam and chutney (and even ribbons and gift wrapping at holiday time); boxed pie crust, cinnamon and other items used to make pies.
“They’re great with balsamic and Mascarpone, Brie, or goat cheese on crostini,” says De Bruin. “Beyond the food pairings for more indulgent weeks, showcase options for when your shoppers are in resolution mode, whether that’s New Year’s or leading up to summer.”
She adds blueberries go well with such flavors as lemon, mint, rosemary, coconut and banana. Blueberries also are perfect for healthy yogurts, smoothies, oatmeal and cereal. Some major chains have added rolling refrigerated cases as secondary displays for berries, which increases space allocation, she says.
“The trend among those looking to capture additional sales has been toward adding refrigerated displays both inside the produce department and in other sections of the store to take advantage of cross-merchandising opportunities,” says De Bruin.
Springing Into Berry Season
Spring is the time of renewal, and that applies to berries as well, since it’s also the time of year when berry sales start to increase.
“Each year, Easter tends to be the biggest holiday associated with the beginning of berry season even though we are year-round producers,” says Jewell, noting that’s due in large part to perception, as consumers are looking to switch from winter-style eating.
“Berries are a sure sign of spring and bring life to the produce department as the days get longer and nights get warmer,” she says. “Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and July 4 are also big berry holidays at retail and in the produce department. All of these holidays are perfect for any of the four berries.”
It’s Always Time For Berries
Spring offers multiple opportunities to showcase blueberries, according to De Bruin. She says blueberries are a perfect fit for brunches on Easter, Mother’s Day, and for baby and wedding showers.
Michelle Deleissegues, marketing director for Red Blossom, headquartered in Los Olivos, CA, notes there are additional ways to promote berries outside of the usual times.
“Of course, there’s high demand for berries during holidays like Valentine’s Day and Easter, but we encourage retailers to think out of the box,” she says. “Late summer and early fall can have some very nice, late season production; back-to-school can be a fun time to promote berries. Cinco de Mayo is yet another opportunity by promoting strawberries for margaritas and various berries for salsa. Berries are versatile, delicious and an easy sell throughout the year.
Dillard says spring usually signals the start of high-volume sales, and also says Driscoll’s is particularly excited about blackberries this year.
Christian of the California Strawberry Commission notes spring and summer are ideal times to promote strawberries but reminds retailers that produce departments can keep sales steady throughout these seasons, especially around holidays from Easter to Labor Day.
“Retailers can avoid swings in sales revenue by keeping strawberries on ad the week before, week of, and week after a major holiday,” she says.
A Star In Savory Dishes
Cooking shows and websites devoted to culinary discoveries are inspiring consumers to try new ways to cook with berries.
“Consumers are learning about the versatility of berries and using them in new and creative ways,” says Deleissegues. “In recent years, the health industry has added some great options that are here to stay, like agua frescas and infused waters; smoothie bowls and other one-meal-bowls that often use berries as a key component. Also, the craft cocktail trend has professional and home mixologists using fresh berries in many drinks.”
Driscoll’s promotes berries by providing recipes for a variety of dishes on its website.
“All recipes have been tested with our internal culinary team,” says Dillard. “Visitors are looking for simple, easy-to-make recipes that showcase the berry themselves. Each berry has a top recipe, from strawberry shortcake to blackberry mojitos.”
De Bruin notes the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council’s 2017 study indicates consumers are experimenting with blueberries, as well.
“This is contributing to blueberries’ presence in more savory dishes that are decidedly out of the norm — they’re in baked goods and in parfaits, but they’re also in cocktails and meat glazes,” says De Bruin. “This type of experimentation is a result of today’s foodie culture.”
Those dishes include barbecue ribs and sauces, as compotes for meats and in dressings, grain bowls and salads.
“The Blueberry Council’s promotional efforts are intended to continue driving traditional uses and experimentation beyond what we’re already seeing,” says De Bruin.
She notes between 2013 and 2017, there was a 29-percent increase in consumers using fresh blueberries in savory dishes.
“Blueberries add a sweet-tart flavor that complement savory sauces and dishes well.”
When it comes to strawberries, Christian says shoppers are finding creative ways to get more strawberries into their daily diets.
“Snacks now supply a quarter of the daily calories consumed by Americans,” she says. “Our Get Snacking campaign reaches consumers throughout the year with giveaways, new recipes and inspiration for snacking on strawberries.”
You could say that promoting berries is smart — berry smart.
Just how popular are berries? Consider the growth of the blueberry.
Victoria De Bruin, marketing manager of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, says U.S. per capita consumption of blueberries grew 600 percent between 1994 and 2014, the best of any fruit or vegetable.
She notes that the Council’s Consumer Usage & Attitude Study conducted in the latter half of 2017 indicates that 75 percent of Americans were on the path to buying blueberries — a 10 percent increase from a study conducted four years earlier.
“The USHBC has shifted from studying usage and attitudes from every four years to every two, so we’re eager to see the latest in 2019,” says De Bruin.
A steady, year-round flow of fresh blueberries entering supermarkets is helping those sales, she notes. The North American season starts in April and continues through September, with product from South America taking its place on shelves from October through March.
“Right now, while enjoying quality fresh product from Chile, Peru and other countries, our Blueberry Council members in the southern states are gearing up for their 2019 harvest,” says De Bruin. “The 2018 crop was on par with the prior year, with nearly 700,000 pounds of fresh and processed highbush blueberries in North America.”
According to De Bruin, the initial data from Nielsen Perishables Group for 2018 is showing blueberries also had a great year.
“Total fruit sales were up by only 0.8 percent compared to 2017, but the blueberry industry generated figures far above that across volume, dollars and per capita — dollars — sold,” she says. “The population numbers used to calculate per capita come from the U.S. Census Bureau and take into account U.S. residents.”
Those numbers indicate volume is up 5.2 percent, while dollars have increased 9.3 percent, and per capita dollars are up 8.6 percent.
Cindy Jewell, vice president of marketing for California Giant Berry Farms, headquartered in Watsonville, CA, says the company offers four types of berries: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.
“Research shows the entire category is growing, but within the berry category, blueberries continue to see the greatest increase in sales and volume behind strawberries,” says Jewell. “Strawberries are the leader, with the highest consumption rate and longest maturity on a nationwide basis with year-round availability. However, blueberry consumption has really grown due to the health attributes associated with them. Blackberries and raspberries are also gaining every year in popularity and consumption as they shift from being a ‘special occasion’ item to an everyday fruit.”
Christine Christian, senior vice president of the California Strawberry Commission, based in Watsonville, CA, says strawberries lead the berry category with 63 percent of volume sales and 45 percent of dollar sales. And it seems people can’t get enough of them.
“There is a shift to increased purchases of larger package sizes, especially the 2-pound [32 ounces] clamshell, especially during peak California strawberry season from April through September,” says Christian.
Michelle Deleissegues, marketing director for Red Blossom, headquartered in Los Olivos, CA, says this is an exciting time for berries because they are almost always in demand and consumers’ desire for berries does not diminish, but only grows.
“Red Blossom has steadily increased production in southern regions to meet increasing demand in winter and early spring from our customers,” says Deleissegues.
A key selling point for berries is their reputation as a super food, packed with delicious flavor. But retailers still need to send that message in smart and effective ways.
“Consumers are inundated with information today and especially in the health industry,” says Michelle Deleissegues, marketing director for Red Blossom, headquartered in Los Olivos, CA. “Supermarkets can play a key role in clarifying and distilling the information for consumers, helping them make informed decisions without feeling overwhelmed. If you’re a reliable source of information that makes day-to-day living easier, consumers will come back to you again and again.”
Christine Christian, senior vice president of the California Strawberry Commission, based in Watsonville, CA, says strawberries have every characteristic that shoppers want in a healthy food.
“Consumers have high interest in foods that are low in sugar, high in nutrients and provide health and wellness benefits,” she says. “A serving of just eight strawberries is 50 calories with seven grams of sugar, more Vitamin C than an orange, plus fiber and other nutrients. Research shows regular strawberry consumption supports heart, brain and metabolic health.”
According to Victoria De Bruin, marketing manager of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, consumers have cited the flavor and health of blueberries as the top purchase drivers.
“Blueberries offer important health benefits — and with their delicious flavor and versatility — they should be a considered a staple on consumers’ shopping lists,” she says.
She adds blueberries are certified heart healthy through the American Heart Association Heart-Check Food Certification Program.
“The Blueberry Council and its grower members can use the official heart-check mark on blueberry packaging and throughout online, print and other promotional materials and activities,” she says.
De Bruin says that over the past 15 years, the USHBC has supported studies in the areas of cognitive function, insulin response, cancer and cardiovascular health.
She notes a recent study by Laval University in Quebec City showed proanthocyanidins, a type of plant compound found in blueberries, had a beneficial effect against the type of bacteria that is associated with an aggressive form of periodontal disease. The study also showed proanthocyanidins block the molecular pathway involved in inflammation — a factor largely involved in gum disease.
“While more evidence is needed, the results of this study add to the body of research on blueberry’s potential antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties,” says De Bruin.
But Frances Dillard, senior director, brand and product marketing, for Driscoll’s, based in Watsonville, CA, notes even though shoppers know they’re doing their bodies good when they put berries in their shopping cart, berries’ popularity is driven by taste.
“Consumers are aware of the health benefits of eating fresh fruit and vegetables, that is a given,” she says. “However, the No. 1 driver of purchase and consumption is flavor.”
15 of 23 article in Produce Business March 2019