40 UNDER FORTY Nomination Form for 2025
September 15, 2016 | 1 min to read
Nominations are now open for the annual Produce Business 40 Under Forty awards, celebrating the produce industry's leading young talents. Candidates, under 40 by June 1, 2025, will be evaluated on their professional success, leadership qualities, and contributions to the industry and community. To nominate someone, complete the online form; nominees will then receive further information to provide. Importantly, each candidate requires only one nomination. The deadline is May 1, 2025.

We are now accepting nominations for the annual Produce Business 40 Under Forty Awards, which recognizes the produce industry’s top young leaders.
Honorees will be selected based on their professional accomplishments, demonstrated leadership and industry/community contributions.
To be eligible, nominees must be under the age of 40 as of June 1st, 2025.
To nominate someone, please fill out the electronic form by clicking on the button below. Once nominated, the candidate will receive forms from us to fill out asking for detailed information. A candidate only needs to be nominated one time. Multiple nominations will have no bearing on selection.
Deadline is May 1, 2025.
40 under Forty Nomination Form